
Ph.D.               Medieval Studies, Yale University, December 2012

M. Phil            Medieval Studies, Yale University, December 2010

M.A.               Medieval Studies, Yale University, December 2010

B.A.                History, Washington University in St. Louis, June 2006

                        Magna Cum Laude

Professional Appointments

University of New Hampshire:

Shulman Professor of European and Holocaust Studies, August 2022-Present

Associate Professor of English, August 2015-Present (promoted to associate August 2021)

Weber State University: Assistant Professor of English, July 2012- July 2015 

Honors and Awards

Visiting Scholar in Medieval Studies, Harvard University, Spring 2023

Fellow, American Council of Learned Societies, 2019-2020

Graduate School Summer Faculty Fellowship, University of New Hampshire, 2017

Research and Engagement Academy Faculty Fellow, University of New Hampshire, 2017

Writing Academy Faculty Fellow, University of New Hampshire, 2016

Master’s Degree Program in English Faculty Achievement Award, Weber State University, 2014

Community Based Learning Faculty Fellow, Weber State University, 2012-2013

The Medieval Academy of America Graduate Student Paper Prize, 2012

Yale University Robert M. Leylan Fellowship, 2011-2012

Yale University Summer Language Institute Fellowship, 2010



Father Chaucer: Generating Authority in The Canterbury Tales (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019).

Before They Were White: Making Race at the Dawn of Modernity

Edited Collections:

Visible Jews (forthcoming), co-edited with Emily Steiner.

Feminist Intersectionality: Centering the Margins in 21st-Century Medieval Studies (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2023), co-edited with Nicole Nolan Sidhu.

Edited Journal Issues

“New Feminisms,” postmedieval 10.3 (Fall 2019), co-edited with Nicole Nolan Sidhu.

“New Feminist Approaches to Chaucer,” The Chaucer Review, (Jun 2019), co-edited with Nicole Nolan Sidhu.

In Press

“The Worlds We Have Lost: Premodern Maternal Mortality and the Data Collection Conundrum,” Medieval People (2023)

“A Very Special Episode: Antisemitism as Entertainment in Medieval Detective Fiction,” Women’s Restorative Medievalisms, ed. Suzanne Edwards and Matthew Vernon, 2023.

Co-authored with Laura Saetvit Miles (University of Bergen), “Queer/Gender Studies,” Routledge Companion to Medieval Literature in a Trans-European Context, 1100-1500, eds. Sif Rikardsdottir and Raluca Radulescu (New York: Routledge, 2021). 

“Chasing the Consent of Alice Chaucer,” Studies in the Age of Chaucer 44 (2022), 1-16.

In Print:

“Whose Chaucer? On Cancellation and the English Literary Canon,” The Chaucer Review 57.4 (2022), 480-93.

“Denying Sameness, Making Race: Medieval Anti-Judaism,” Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures (2022), 243-51.

“The Jewish Reader: A Medieval Antitype,” The Practice and Politics of Reading, 650-1500, eds. Daniel Donoghue, Nicholas Watson, James Simpson, and Anna Wilson (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2022), 181-99. 

“Chaucer’s Women: Sex and the Scholarly Imagination,” The Chaucer Review 56.4 (2021), 322-40. 

“Disabled Devotion: Original Sin and Universal Disability in the Prik of Conscience,” Rethinking Medieval Margins and Marginality, eds. Ann E. Zimo, Tiffany D. Vann Sprecher, Kathryn Reyerson, and Debra Blumenthal (New York: Routledge, 2020). 226-42. 

“Medicine and the Mortal Body,” Geoffrey Chaucer in Context, ed. Ian Johnson, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019). 252-8.

“Chaucer’s Other “Wyf”: Philippa Chaucer, the Critics, and the English Canon,” The Chaucer Review 54.3 (Jun. 2019), 270-91.

“In Partus,” postmedieval 9.3 (2018), 388-99.

The Canon Yeoman’s Tale: Invention, Discovery, Problem-Solving, and Innovation.” The Open Access Companion to The Canterbury Tales (2017),

“Reading Like a Jew: The Physician’s Tale and the Letter of the Law,” The Chaucer Review 52.3 (2017), 298-317.

“Between Condemnation and Praise: Medieval Attitudes to the Blind and Loss of Vision.” Handbuch der Dis/ability History der Vormoderne 8.6.3. Eds. Cordula Nolte, Bianca Frohne, Uta Halle, and Sonja Kerth. Affalterbach: Didymos, 2017. 384-6.

 “Pregnant Desire: Eyes and Appetites in The Merchant’s Tale,The Chaucer Review 48.3 (2014), 284-306.

 “Miraculous History: Fictions of Text and Body in a Ritual Murder Trial,” Religion & Literature 44.1 (2012), 23-44.

“To Speak of Silence: Clemence of Barking’s Life of St. Catherine and Her Vision of Female Wisdom,” Magistra: A Journal of Women’s Spirituality in History (Fall/Winter, 2010).


Review of Jews in Medieval England: Teaching Representations of the “Other,” by Miriamne Ara Krummel and Tison Pugh, Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 95.2 (2020). 

Review of Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent: A Fourteenth Century Princess and Her World, by Anthony Goodman, Medieval Feminist Forum 52.3 (2018): 143-5.

Review of The Critics and the Prioress: Antisemitism, Criticism, and Chaucer’s “Prioress’s Tale,” by Heather Blurton and Hannah Johnson, Studies in the Age of Chaucer, vol. 39 (2017), 304-8.

Digital Publications:

“The Geoffrey Chaucer News that Rocked Academia This Week,” Slate (Oct. 15, 2022).

“On Chaucer, Jews, and Charles Muscatine,” In the Middle (Dec. 5, 2017).

Encyclopedia Entries:

“Pluto,” The Chaucer Encyclopedia, IV Vols., ed. Richard Newhauser (Chichester, UK: Wiley, forthcoming). 

“Charles Muscatine,” The Chaucer Encyclopedia, IV Vols., ed. Richard Newhauser (Chichester, UK: Wiley, forthcoming).

“Joan of Kent,” The Chaucer Encyclopedia, IV Vols., ed. Richard Newhauser (Chichester, UK: Wiley, forthcoming).

Conference Presentations

“Sexing Chaucer: Cecily Chaumpaigne and the Erotic Imaginations of Chaucer’s Critics,” New Chaucer Society Conference, July 2022 (Rescheduled from July 2020).

“Insularity and Regionality in the Global Middle Ages (A Panel Discussion),” 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo), May 2022.

“Finding New Jews: Nationalist Violence and Racialized Christianity in Late Medieval England,” The Medieval Academy of America’s Annual Conference, March 2022.

“What Do We Know About the Women Who Died?: Resisting Erasure and Re-Centering Lives Through a Premodern Maternal Mortality Database,” Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, January 2022.

“Importing the Anglo-Saxon and the Jew: Racial Pairing in the Mythology of American Academia,” CARMEN: The Worldwide Medieval Network Annual Conference, September 2021.

“Premodern Maternal Mortality: A New Searchable Database,” New Chaucer Society Exposition, July 2021.

Piers Plowman and the ‘Christian Race,’” Plenary Panel, International Piers Plowman Society, May 2021.

“The Insights of Asynchrony: Medieval Jews and Critical Race Theory,” University of Pennsylvania Medieval and Renaissance Colloquium (Invited Speaker), March 2021.

“Between Body and Mind: Racial Embodiment, Medieval Literature, and the Jewish Critic,” MLA Annual Meeting, January 2021. 

“The Jewish Reader: A Medieval Antitype,” Bloomfield Conference, Harvard University English Department, April 2019.

Hethene as to heveneward:” Piers Plowman and the Dream of a Christian Race,” International Piers Plowman Society Conference, April 2019.

“Disowning Philippa: The Poetic Posterity of Chaucer’s Wife,” New Chaucer Society Conference, July 2018.

“Shushing Dido: The Feminist Politics of Time and Silence in the Legend of Good Women,” Sewanee Medieval Colloquium, April 2018.

“Lineage and the Laws of Likeness in The Canterbury Tales,” Biennial London Chaucer Conference, July 2017.

“Father Chaucer’s Wise Children: Fifteenth-Century Poets and the Fictions of Patrilineal Descent,” 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May 2017.

“Affective Anatomies: The Angry Womb in Late Medieval Thought,” Roundtable, 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May 2017.

“Converting Disability: Jewish Bodies and Christian Devotion in the Later Middle Ages,” MLA, January 2017.”

“The Queer and Broken Text: The Rhetoric of Fragmentation in Fifteenth-Century Manuscript Compilations of The Canterbury Tales,” New Chaucer Society Conference, July 2016.

“New Feminist Approaches to Chaucer” Roundtable, organizer and participant, 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May 2016.

“Kynde Heredity: Natural and Supernatural Theories of Reproduction in Piers Plowman,” 42nd Sewanee Medieval Colloquium, March 2016.

“Childbed Visions: Mysticism and the Threat of Death in the Writings of Bridget of Sweden, Elizabeth of Hungary, and Margery Kempe,” The Medieval Academy of America’s Annual Meeting, February 2016.

“The Disabled Womb: Parturition and Its Parts,” 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May 2015.

“Whan that they were seeke:’ Reading the General Prologue and Chaucer’s Pilgrims through the Lens of Disability Studies,” New Chaucer Society Conference, July 2014.

“Disabled Devotion: The Paradox of Disability Metaphors in Late Medieval Religious Texts,” Workshop on Disease, Disability, and Medicine in Medieval Europe (AD 400-1600), December 2013.

“The Biology of the Holy Body in Lady Margaret Beaufort’s Imitatio Christi (ca. 1503),” 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May 2013.

“Shameful Reading: The Revelations of the Female Body in Medieval Gynecological Texts,” The Medieval Association of the Pacific Conference, March 2013.

“The Marks of Maternal Desire: Pregnancy, Lust, and the Visible Womb in the Merchant’s Tale,” New Chaucer Society Conference, July 2012.

 “’The Roote of Iniquitee’ and the ‘Welle of Vices’: The Hermaphroditic Mother in the Man of Law’s Tale,” 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May 2012.

“The Sign of the Womb: The Reproductive Body as Unreliable Text in The Canterbury Tales,” The Medieval Academy of America’s Annual Meeting, March 2012.

“Jewish Bodies, Christian Witness: Transforming the Memory of Torture in the Simon of Trent Affair,” 37th Sewanee Medieval Colloquium, April 8, 2011.

“The Marks of Maternal Desire: Reproduction, Imagination, and Longing in Late Medieval English Literature,” Mater(ia) Familias: Medievalists at Penn Graduate Student Conference, April 2, 2011.

“To Speak of Silence: Clemence of Barking’s Life of St. Catherine and Her Vision of Female Wisdom,” 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May 2010.


Assistant/Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire, Fall 2015-Present

·      Intro to Literary Analysis

·      Survey of British Literature I: Anglo-Saxons to Elizabethans

·      The Middle Ages in Modern Fiction

·      Female Authors of the Mystery Novel

  • Reading Medieval Women

·      Intro to the Digital Humanities

·      Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales

·      Medieval Romance

·      Senior Seminar: Chaucer

·      Intro to Graduate Studies

·      Making the Medieval Body: Mothers, Monsters, and Martyrs (Graduate Level)

Assistant Professor, Weber State University, Fall 2012-Spring 2015

  • Introduction to College Writing

  • Mothers in Literature (Cross-listed with Women’s Studies)

  • Introduction to Shakespeare

  • Medieval Literature

  • Renaissance Literature

  • Advanced Shakespeare

  • Classical Mythology

  • Love in Literature from Guinevere to “Twilight”(Graduate Course)

  • Magic and Witchcraft from Early Christianity to A Discovery of Witches (Graduate Course)

  • Shakespeare (Graduate Course)

  • MA Directed Reading: Greco-Roman Mythology

  • MA Directed Reading: Medieval Romance

  • MA Directed Reading: Queer Theory

  • MA Directed Reading: Shakespeare

  • MA Directed Reading: Chaucer

  • MA Directed Reading: Gender and Romance 



Editorial Board, Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies, 2021-Present

Program Committee, New Chaucer Society, 2021-2022

Advisory Board, Society of Medieval Feminist Studies, 2017-2021

The University of New Hampshire:

Director of Graduate Studies, 2021-Present

Humanities Division Chair, COLA Executive Committee, 2020-2021.

Humanities Division Representative, COLA Policies Committee, 2018-2021.

Member, English Department Graduate Committee, 2016-Present

Member, English Department Digital Humanities Collective, 2016-Present

Member, English Department Student Engagement Committee, 2016-17

Member, English Department Literature Faculty Committee, 2015-Present

Weber State University:

Member, University Committee for Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth, 2014

Member, English Department Curriculum Committee, 2012-15

Chair, English Department Literary/Textual Studies Program, 2013-14

Member, Masters in English Steering Committee, 2013-14

Member, College of Arts and Humanities Course Fee Committee, Spring 2013

Member, Faculty and Staff Gay/Straight Alliance, 2013-15

Yale University:

Writing Fellow, Yale University Graduate Writing Center, 2012

Organizer, Yale University Medieval Studies Lecture Series, 2009-11

Organizer, NEMSC Conference: “Authority and the Book in Medieval Culture,” 2009



Old English                                                                                        




Italian (reading)

Hebrew (limited)


Professional Memberships

The Modern Language Association

The Medieval Academy of America

The New Chaucer Society

The Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship

The Society for the Study of Disability in the Middle Ages

The Early English Text Society